Viviane C.

Rie is a very attentive and efficient realtor. She actively listened to my concerns and needs. She also provided valuable professional information that helped me and my husband made a wonderful decision and we are truly grateful. She even went above and beyond to help make the transaction process very smooth for us. She is a very friendly and courteous person, with a great sense of humor. Rie is also very responsive on our communication during the whole process. That just showed her great professionalism. I would highly recommend Rie Hyakutake to all of my family and friends. She is truly a wonderful realtor and we would love to work with her again in the future.

Mr & Ms. Y

(English translation)
“ Rie is the Best Realtor We’ve Ever Had”
Despite our strict conditions when selling our condominium, Rie responded with great care and professionalism. Rie also organized multiple open houses, which helped us sell the property quickly. Since we were returning to our home country with a cat, we couldn’t vacate the property until the day of our departure. Rie accommodated our schedule by adjusting the escrow and closing process to fit our needs, ensuring everything went smoothly.
Thank you so much, Rie-san. We truly appreciate everything you’ve done for us.

Clyde M.

Rie assisted us throughout the entire process, spending many hours explaining all aspects of the procedure involved. From our first meeting to the escrow covering the sale’s closing, we were guided step by step, always feeling assured along the way. My wife was especially thankful that everything was also explained in Japanese. This being our first experience in real estate matters, Rie’s patience and pleasant nature was truly appreciated. The service we received from Rie was absolutely outstanding!
(日本語訳)Rie さんは、私たちの手続きを全面的にサポートしてくださり、何時間もかけてあらゆる角度から説明してくださいました。最初の打ち合わせから、売却のクロージングを行うエスクローまで、一つ一つ丁寧に説明していただき、常に安心感をもって進めることができました。特に妻は、日本語で説明してくれたことに感謝しています。私たちは不動産に関わることが初めてだったので、Rieさんの忍耐強さと穏やかな人柄に本当に感謝しています。Rieさんのサービスは本当に素晴らしいです!

T Corporation

I contacted Rie Hyakutake for selling our property.
Her response was quick every time we contacted, she was answering all the questions we concern and she was giving us best advice. She was not only experienced but also great personality.
Everything went well and we were able to sell our property quickly.
We are so appreciated whatever she did for us.

Ms. Y. K


(English translation)
In selling the condominium, we first consulted with a trusted friend who has been with us since the time of purchase in Hawaii.
I was introduced to Ms. Rie, who was very sincere and passionate about her work.
I also had the opportunity to meet her and was impressed by her knowledgeable, dependable, and cheerful personality, just as my friend had assured me.
I wanted to proceed with caution because I was selling a condominium that I had owned for a long time and had fond memories of.
I felt that the sale process went smoothly, thanks to the accurate and easy-to-understand explanations Rie gave me from time to time.
In addition, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the prompt and courteous response from her and meticulous attention to detail at all times.
I am very grateful for that.

Cristiano P.

While I was thinking to sell my place last year, Rie kept providing me updates, market trends etc without been pushy. Rie helped with networking prior listing my place and sold my place in one day! Rie was always honest , professional and very helpful, totally different experience from who helped me for purchasing the unit.

Mr & Ms. S.

2004年にコンドミニアムを購入した際のエージェントさんに、今回の売却に際し、百武さんを紹介して頂きましたが、実に誠実で、きめ細かな対応に全幅の信頼、及び、お任せをする事が出来ました。 又、適宜、正確な情報を頂けましたので、売却に際し、全く不安感は有りませんでしたし、スムーズな売却が出来ました事、感謝しております。今後、不動産に関する事で、何かありましたら、百武さんにお願いしたいと思います。

(English translation) I was referred to Ms. Hyakutake for the sale of my condominium by the agent with whom I purchased it in 2004, and I was able to place my complete trust and confidence in her sincere and meticulous handling of the transaction. I received accurate information as needed, so I did not feel anxious at all when selling the property, and I am grateful that the sale went smoothly. I would like to ask Ms. Hyakutake for any real estate matters in the future.